Proficient Reading: 33%
Distinguished Reading: 23%
Proficient Math: 40%
Distinguished Math: 23%
Life Long Learners and Leaders
Languages Spoken
Nationalities Represented By Our Students
Top 15% in the State on KSA
Years as a Lighthouse Status School
Years PBIS Gold Status (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports)
Years as a Leader in Me School
Principal's MessageHappy New Year! We hope 2025 will be the best year yet. It is hard to believe that we are now in the third quarter for the school year. Progress Reports (K-3rd) and Report Cards (4th-6th) for the second quarter will be sent home on Friday, January 10th. This is an exciting month for our 4th-6th grade Beta students. They will have the opportunity to compete at the state Beta Competition in Lexington, KY January 14-17th. We are wishing them the best of luck! Go Tigers!
Now that we are in the months of possible inclement weather, our district could choose to have a Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) day. If our Superintendent, Rob Clayton, announces that we will use an NTI day, your child will need to login to their Google Classroom to find their schedule and daily assignments. Attendance will be taken twice each day. Please be sure to have your child attend live Google Meets provided by the grade level teachers.
Please see the WCPS NTI expectations below:
Warren County continues to work to navigate the best opportunities for instruction for our students. At times, we may use Google Meets and Google Classroom to allow our students to learn and work during a superintendent-called NTI day. Please be aware that students will need to be ready to follow their school's NTI schedule that includes time for live, synchronous instruction as well as independent work time. When we conduct Google Meets with our students, we want to protect our students in every way possible. When Google Meets are taking place, we expect our students to be in a private setting. If students are in a public setting such as a mall, store, or at the park, or otherwise in the presence of third parties, we may ask the students to step out until the setting is private. Google Meet attendance is expected and will be recorded in the official record of student attendance. Participation in Google Classroom work will be used for monitoring student learning and grade calculations. Thank you for your understanding as we work to provide continuous learning and protection for our students.
Thank you for being an active participant in your child's education. If you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Be sure to check out our Tiger Tales, it is updated every Friday.
Lori Darnell
Principal of Cumberland Trace Elementary
January 2025
Click on the link for details on the WCPS community MLK celebration
The production will be in February!
Family night fun & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our recycling bins are located at the end of the sidewalk on the office side, near the playground area.
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work,school,healthcare and more.